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Live to Fight Another Day

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Hard cover - $24  Softcover - $19 - free shipping.


To order, please contact Paul at or call 972-971-7407 anytime 24/7.

Published in 2019 - Book #2

Samson: Brawny or Scrawny


Hard cover - $24  Softcover - $19 - free shipping.

About the Book

Many people think of Samson as a brawny, muscular, large, man.  But if this were so, why did the Philistines, Samson’s enemies, or Delilah, the person closest to him, or anyone else that saw him, not realize the source of his strength? 


Could Samson have been a regular sized, or a thin or even a scrawny man that God used to show His power and strength?  The biblical account says nothing about his physical appearance, except for his long hair. 


It is very possible that Samson was physically normal or even scrawny in appearance, since there are many examples in scripture about how God used weakness to show His power and strength.


See in this work what others have said about Samson being scrawny and how faith plays a big part in what can be done. See how God used normal people to do big things, and what He says about how the power of the Holy Spirit can make us strong to “move mountains”.


Also in this work is shown what God says about fighting for faith, its methods, benefits and rewards.


We live in a physical world, but physical appearance is not always the sign of what can be done.  Faith in God is what makes you strong.


In the back of the book, I took the opportunity to include some photos of some of my artwork and building projects I was involved in over the years that God has used me to positively influence others.  Also included are photos of family and friends whom God has used to positively influence me.



Paul J. Verheyden, Architect

Birds and Words

To Order, Please contact Paul at or call 972-971-7407.

Published in 2022- Book #3

Birds & Words Oil Painting Series
To order book, please go to bottom of this page for information.
To see Paul's Birds and Words artwork, click here.


This 17"x11" large-sized coffee table book has a beautiful leather-looking front and back cover, with shiny gold text and design on the front.  It actually sparkles when the light hits it!  The slim flat black edge binding is as unique as the book format.

Inside, the laminated pages reveal six full color images of the bird paintings of Architect Paul J. Verheyden, joined with his and other's words about each bird, including the unique and interesting history and information of the series. 

The oil painting series was created after more than 50 years since even touching an oil paint brush by Paul when he painted as a teenager.

Many owners of the book and the paintings have expressed that they are inspired by them.

See sample pages of the book shown below. Click on the right or left arrows to see each page of the book.  On computer, slide bar on right up or down.  Hold down the Ctrl key and roll mouse wheel to zoom in or out.  Push down on mouse wheel to pan across image.

Birds & Words paintings & books are available for purchase. 

Books are only $40 with free shipping.
Contact Paul at or 972-971-7407 anytime 24/7.

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